
Run for better code

You’re a programmer, software craftsman, full-stack developer, software engineer. But regardless of the titles dangling from your …

Essential markdown cheatsheet

Markdown is a great way to format text inline, without getting in your way. i.e. it’s not ugly and cumbersome like HTML tags, and …

9 rules for debugging anything (Book Review)

Code flows effortlessly from your nimble fingers, like fine cloth from a loom. Your face is serene, focused, content. Suddenly, a …

Exploring depth in a shallow world – my takeaways from Deep Work

Deep work – it’s where the right stuff gets done. And it just happens to be the most enjoyable state of mind for a …

git greenbase means never pulling a broken build

If your team uses Git and Continuous Integration, chances are good that your workflow could benefit from git greenbase. But first, …

Hard up for hosting: From DigitalOcean, to AWS, to Heroku.

The year was 2016. I was a hobbyist with ideas to burn. Naturally, I needed an inexpensive hosting provider for my latest web app. …

My 2¹² cents: Yup, 4K Really is for Programmers

You’ve no doubt heard the hype surrounding the use of 4K (Ultra HD) in software development. I’ve been using the 4K …

Keyboard shortcuts! Quickly learn 'em — and never forget.

Keyboard shortcuts, it’s a love-hate relationship. On one hand, they unlock hidden cheat code levels of productivity — on …

Stop hand-refactoring and learn your automated refactoring tool

Refactoring is the lifeblood of a nimble codebase, but we need to stop hand-refactoring via Ctrl-C/V and start using our automated …