
Hotel Vim 🎵

** Hotel Vim ** or: Hotel Colon q. Bang on a dark linux bash prompt, new boss in my hair hot coffee and hardware, stale conditioned air …

Legitimize Your Project With Some Badge Swag

Badges? Why don’t I have any stinking badges? With a flick or your wrist and a flourish of your cape, you unveil your latest open …

How to find stuff in Git

When you first started with git, you quickly got up to speed with committing, pushing, pulling, merging, and the like. But then you …

Best software development laptop? 5 heuristics to guide you.

What is the best laptop for programming? In the previous article we armed ourselves with a comprehensive mobile workstation checklist …

What is the best laptop for software developers?

Sometimes new developers ask me, “So, what’s the best laptop for a programmer?” It’s an important question. As …

Brute-force all the things?

These days it’s hard to tell whether the computer saves us more time than it wastes. However recently I had an experience …

OpenCover: ⟳ code coverage metrics with CI build

OpenCover analyzes your .NET codebase and generates an XML report rich with detail about the extent and quality of your code coverage. …

Breaking Build Postmortem: Biting the line that feeds you

It was early one weekend morning and I was trying to integrate AppVeyor with my GitHub project. But there was one problem: my build was …

Use IFTTT more securely with proxy accounts

IFTTT automates many aspects of your online life. Is it going to rain tomorrow? Hey look I just got an email forecasting rain in my …

Git hooks, practical uses (yes, even on Windows)

What are Git hooks? Can you do anything useful with them? Also, since Git hooks come from Linux, is there anything special you need to …