
Entrepreneurial Endeavors With Heart

Here’s a little-known fact about tygertec’s entrepreneurial endeavors — all the profits go to my mom! No way!?!


4Ducks Budget appMom
Affiliate linksMom
DeployMints merchMom
Hugo courseMom

But why? To answer that, you’ve got to meet my mom.

Meet Michelle, the coolest😎 mom ever

My mom loves life and learning and meeting people and hearing about their experiences. She would love to travel and explore world cuisine and culture, but like many of us, she lacks the money and the time.

With skills like that, you’d think she’d be a millionaire, but there’s one more thing she lacks, and it’s a doozy: Health.

Her health stinks.

A lifelong struggle

When I was a kid she was diagnosed with [ a form of cancer ]*. Fortunately, healthy living and trips to Mexico got her past that close call, but the trials were just beginning.

Currently she battles:

  1. …*

She’s hasn’t even hit retirement age yet.

* Redacted for privacy

Downside of the boondocks

To add insult to injury, she lives in a remote area with limited and sporatic access to medical care. It can take months to see a specialist.

For example, she had what began as a little toothache. Well, it look so long to fix it that the infection almost cost her life!

Time is running out.

We have two main goals, the second directly related to the first:

Ty Walls
Digital Construction Worker

Ty Walls is a software engineer in love with creating, learning, and teaching.