
Render a markdown site with Docsify

So you’ve got a collection of markdown files. Maybe its a personal knowledge base, or a team wiki, or project documentation, or even a statically-generated website like tygertec. There’s a lot to love about markdown : Easy to edit Easy to learn Fairly easy to read Plain text format will be readable forever Easy to throw in a Git repo for change tracking In fact, I’m writing this blog post in markdown.

Build an SMS Bat-Signal Powered by Twilio and Azure Functions

Wouldn’t it be cool to send out an SMS SOS with the touch of a button? Like your own private SMS Bat-Signal! I’ll show you how to do it using Twilio and an Azure Function. Here’s an overview of the simple architecture: /--> | |--> 📱 |--(HTTP POST)--> [ Azure Func 𝛌 ] ---> | Twilio |--> 📱 \--> | |--> 📱 Simple, right? Let’s paint the clouds red, 160 characters at a time. 🤜 💥 🤛

git greenbase means never pulling a broken build

If your team uses Git and Continuous Integration, chances are good that your workflow could benefit from git greenbase. But first, strap on your VR headset and experience the perils of git pull through the eyes of our seasoned developer, Karen. Table of Contents Karen vs the broken build Where vanilla git pull falls short git greenbase to the rescue! What about local feature branches? Installing git greenbase But what about Mac and Windows?

Legitimize Your Project With Some Badge Swag

Badges? Why don’t I have any stinking badges? With a flick or your wrist and a flourish of your cape, you unveil your latest open source beauty. It has more bells than a bell foundry, more whistles than a traffic cop convention. But there’s one problem: your OSS-contributing peers all have these cool badges decorating their projects. They’re so shiny and colorful! They imbue an air of legitimacy to their projects, like a detective flashing his badge at a crime scene.