
Render a markdown site with Docsify

So you’ve got a collection of markdown files. Maybe its a personal knowledge base, or a team wiki, or project documentation, or even a statically-generated website like tygertec. There’s a lot to love about markdown : Easy to edit Easy to learn Fairly easy to read Plain text format will be readable forever Easy to throw in a Git repo for change tracking In fact, I’m writing this blog post in markdown.

Essential markdown cheatsheet

Markdown is a great way to format text inline, without getting in your way. i.e. it’s not ugly and cumbersome like HTML tags, and your hands don’t have to leave the keyboard to access formatting toolbars like they might in a traditional text editor. Personally, markdown helps keep me “in the zone” when I’m writing. That’s why this site uses markdown for nearly all its formatting needs. You can learn markdown in about 5 minutes. Here’s a cheatsheet to get you started!