"Migrate from WordPress to Hugo, Step by Step": What to expect.

Hugo isn’t even at version 1.0 yet, and it’s already of the one of best static site generators in the world. A switch from WordPress to Hugo can save you money, improve site performance, and harden site security. For the shiny gopher-shaped cherry on top, do I dare say it? — Hugo is fun.

With your current site stuck in WordPress, how do you get from point WP to point Hugo? If only there were some friendly book, or even better, a visual course, to walk you through safely migrating your site and your workflow from WordPress to Hugo. Well search no more, my travel-weary friend. Pull up a chair and sit a spell. We’ve got nitro-infused learning on tap, and I hear the the barkeep’s about to draw a pint of the good stuff.

Yes, after hundreds of hours of research and months of hard work, I’m excited to announce that the course is here, and it is called “Migrate WordPress to Hugo, Step by Step”. [golf clap]

What to expect from the course

This initial course offering is an “early bird” release. Its focus is on safely and cleanly migrating a straightforward site like a blog from WordPress to Hugo.

First you’ll learn the core concepts surrounding Hugo, like the difference between a static and a dynamic site, and whether Hugo is really the best fit for your unique situation. After walking you through installing the requisite tools, we dive right into getting your new Hugo project setup on GitLab. “Wait… What’s GitLab?” Find out in the course!

You’ll learn how to choose and configure a Hugo theme, write and format a new blog post using “markdown”, and then start manually moving posts and images from your WordPress site to your posh new Hugo site. You’ll learn what “CI/CD” is all about, and how it contributes to a safer and more pleasant writing and publishing experience. Along the way you’ll pick up valuable troubleshooting techniques for when things don’t quite work as expected. Finally, you’ll see your new Hugo site hosted free of charge on GitLab Pages.

Course screenshot
A sneak peek inside one of the lectures.

And that’s just the start! Remember, this is an early bird release, so more content is on the way.

Keep scanning the course horizon for more migration content

Creating a quality course like this one takes a lot of work to produce, so I’m testing the waters here. Think of it like a “kick starter” campaign. The more interest the course generates, the more motivated I am to produce additional content. When you grab the course today, you’re gaining valuable knowledge now, and you’re funding the creation of future topics, which you then inherit for free, like a birthright or something.

What sort of topics can you expect from this course in the future? Much will depend on requests I get from you dear students of the course, but here is my shortlist for upcoming topics:

  • Migrate blog comments
  • Port a WordPress theme to a Hugo theme
  • Replace plugins for spelling, grammar, and writing style
  • Replace the beloved Yoast SEO plugin
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Integrate a basic shopping cart
  • Enhance performance with minification and image optimization

Pick up your own copy of the course here: Migrate WordPress to Hugo, Step by Step

Superb value… and a SALE!

I spent months agonizing over the course’s content and quality, once even scrapping and restarting an entire section because I felt the audio quality was sub-par. The educational material that emerged provides real value to my students, and is something I’m proud to call my creation.

That said, this is an early bird release, and I’m really appreciative that you’ve read this far, so here’s a coupon: 957EDB74F26CE8AA5C69 That’ll give you the course for $12.99. [Party noises] Yep, that’s one wild good deal! (If the coupons are gone, or that’s still too rich for you, DM me on twitter . Maybe we can work something out.)

After viewing the course, be sure to leave a review and let me know what you’d like to see next. That helps me prioritize future content.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the course, Mates.

Ty Walls
Digital Construction Worker

Ty Walls is a software engineer in love with creating, learning, and teaching.